Max Auer CNC Machining • CNC Lathing • CNC Milling
Environment protection
Max Auer aims to meet its responsibility for environment and health protection. Thus we are committed to the protection of the environment.
As a member of the Grossbeeren Street Network we actively support the project “Klima Positiv”. On April 27, 2009, the network signed a contract with the Technical University Berlin (Specialist Area Environmental Systems Technology) and Max Auer is one of the companies involved during the first pilot phase. The cooperation aims to enable the companies located at the Grossbeeren Street Industrial Precinct to introduce a system of environmental management and guidelines for certification, to use resources in an environmentally friendly way, and to improve the energy balance of the region.
Max Auer is committed to design its products and production processes in ways that are compatible with the protection of the environment and conserve natural resources. Our environmental management means:
We take responsibility that our products are environmentally friendly
We design our production process so that it is energy efficient and conserves water and other natural resources
We avoid waste and emissions as much as possible
We recycle the waste that cannot be avoided .
Environmental compatibility of our products
We undertake to manufacture our products causing the least possible waste and emissions in the process.
Environmentally friendly production
The use of energy and water, the emission of greenhouse gases and the creation of waste are pivotal aspects of environment protection. They are monitored for all our production processes.
Max Auer is not an energy intensive producer. Nonetheless, energy efficiency enhancement is important to us. For with the effcient use of energy in the production process we can contribute to climate protection and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.
We are committed to a continuing improvement in energy efficiency and reduction in CO 2 emissions. This includes the replacement of traditional by regenerative energy sources in the medium term.
Organic compounds in solvents are a contributor to so called summer smog. Such solvents are used in paints, adhesives and surface cleaning. We do not use paints or adhesives. And we aim to use the most modern cleaning agents that contain a minimum of solvents.
Water consumption in the production process and waste water
Many parts of the world suffer from water shortages, especially a lack of clean drinking water. Our manufacturing processes do not use water; as a result there is no waste water either.
Waste management
To conserve natural resources Max Auer is committed to avoiding waste. Where that is impossible, waste products are collected separately and transferred to specialist recycling and reprocessing firms. We ensure that waste which cannot be recycled is disposed of in environmentally friendly ways.